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Tun M, finally I meet you!

[Of course, this is not about politic, let's put it aside.]

This is my sincere gratitude toward My Perintis, a NGO founded by my one of the best friend Dato' Lawrence Low, who arranging so hard for the short Facebook Live interview session with Tun M.

Apparently, my NWS course does encourage you all [to whom attended before] to make the initiative move for someone that you wish to know. And, Tun M of course is one of my desire person to meet up.

He is somebody very special. Just imagine if you still can work during your 90 y/o? I bet most of them can't wait for retirement as soonest. I'm impressed with his enthusiasm, dedication and high determination during his politic journey(perhaps we always called it as Career).

Yes, we need some words from this remarkable person, learn his passion and get more advice how to withstand for the perfection.

It's time to watch together, not only from me and him, but also you and me! See you during the Live!

Monday 03 August 2020, 10a.m (I'll definitely mark this day)

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